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Back to top' button

Make it possible to return to the top of your site with a single click
Back to top' button
    • Optimise all of your pages at once
    • Deliver a smooth user experience
    • Install a 'Back to top' button that blends in with your graphic design
  1. What's in it for you
    Optimise your product files

    Offer your visitors a smooth user experience by letting them jump back to the top of the page in one click! Your product files contain technical descriptions, client reviews and cross-selling suggestions requiring your visitors to scroll down considerably. With the 'Back to top' button (by default a button showing an arrow pointing upwards blending in with the colours of your site) your visitor can return to the top of the page in the blink of an eye! As the visitor scrolls down, the button appears and 'follows' your customer to the bottom of the page. The button will make your pages more dynamic and will please your visitors as you are helping them save time, thus inciting them to stay on your website and shop!

    Increase your conversion rate

    Delivering great user experience is the key to increasing conversion rates. Adopting best practices is essential in order to enhance client satisfaction. Product files are the pages that generate the most visits; Highlight them! Your guests want to be able to find what they are looking for as fast as possible and our ‘Back to top’ button will help them do just that.