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Quantity box

Let your clients choose how many products they add to their basket on the product page
    • Allow your customers to select the quantity of items they wish to purchase
    • Increase your conversion rate with an efficient product page
    • Enhance your customer experience by streamlining the ordering process
  1. What's in it for you

    By installing the 'Quantity box' App on your site, you are enticing your customers to add more items to their baskets. A fluid and efficient sales experience that is perfectly suited to B2B and B2C sales.

    Increase the value of your average basket

    The customer selects the chosen number of items directly on the product pages, not on the order summary page. Encourage your guests to add more items to their baskets!

    A better conversion rate with an efficient product pages

    You are optimising your product pagest and offering your clients a thorough and efficient version, thereof making it possible to achieve a multiple same-item purchase in just one click! The improvements brought to your product pages operate as a vital lever for securing more conversions. Ideal for merchants whose products are designed to be bought in bulk (B2B)!

    Enhance customer satisfaction

    Reducing sales-funnel steps is a sure way to improve the user experience of your site. Your customers will prefer a simpler, higher-performance purchasing experience and will reward you with their loyalty!