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Shopping cart personalization

Create bespoke pages at each step of the customer order confirmation process
Shopping cart personalization
    • Create a unique experience at each step of a customer’s visit
    • Put the User Experience at the heart of your business strategy
    • Develop sustainable sales
  1. What's in it for you

    Personalisation is one of the fastest growing trends in the retail and e-commerce sectors. This reduces acquisition costs by up to 50%, increases revenue by 5 to 15%, and increases marketing spend efficiency by 10 to 30% (McKinsey, 2017).

    Push you graphic personalisation even further

    This App allows you to display custom pages directly in each step of your customers' order process. Modify each step of the shopping cart validation, display your image, as well as your brand spirit to the end of the customer journey to offer a consistent and unique graphic experience!

    Improve your customer experience

    Thanks to the customisation of the shopping basket, highlight reassurance elements at the most strategic moments of your customers' purchasing process. 20% of visitors to an e-Commerce site abandon their shopping cart because of a problem of trust during the validation of the order (Baymard, 2017).

    Increase your conversion rate efficiently

    Offering an optimised and unique customer experience has a significant impact on your conversion rate. The user experience is the most effective tool to build customer loyalty on your site. Acquiring new customers costs 7 times more than retaining one (Welovecustomers, 2017). Building customer loyalty helps you reduce your marketing costs and increase your profitability.