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Product Page Sign-in

Make it possible for your customers to access your prices from the item page directly
Product Page Sign-in
    • Find new sales opportunities
    • Put in place a new pricing strategy
    • Simply the connection process on your e-commerce site
  1. What's in it for you

    In 2020, B2B Internet sales will be twice as high as B2C e-commerce (source: Digital Factory, 2018). Take advantage of this opportunity with the new Connection Apps in the product sheet!

    Develop a new sales channel

    30% of e-merchants sell to both professionals and individuals (source: FEVAD, 2019). Would you like to embark on the adventure of selling to professionals? Put the first brick in the wall with the Product Page Account Connection App! It allows your professional customers to quickly connect to your product sheets to access their personalised rates.

    Control your pricing policy

    With the Product Page Account Connection App, you can open your catalogue to all your B2B customers without them seeing "public" prices that are not intended for them. You are free to set up completely personalised price lists for each customer.

    Improve your customer shopping experience

    95% of corporate buyers prepare their purchases using Internet research and their time is very valuable. With the Product Page Account Connection App, they can freely browse your catalogue and log into their account at any time during the purchase process. Saving time in their busy schedules!

Higher-End Items