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Connect your site to an app that analyses website user behaviour
    • Understand customer behaviour with visual indicators
    • Know where visitors click, scroll or tap on your site
    • Comply with the GDPR
  1. What's in it for you

    Knowing your customer's behaviour is crucial if you want to increase your conversion rate, your UX or find out how site elements influence buyers' decesions!

    Get precise insights on your customers' behaviour on your site

    Hotjar allows you to see exactly how your customers interact with your site. Hotjar features heat maps with click maps, move maps or scroll maps and can record user behaviour. With the conversion funnel features you can identify on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.

    Deliver the best user experience on your site

    76% of Internet users say that ease of use and navigation is the most important criterion when shopping online (Ecoreuil, 2016).
    Hotjar allows you to specifically target UX optimisations (Call-to-action buttons, product page configuration, best sellers etc.). After having analysed the data from Hotjar it is time to correct your site’s UX and match the results with the targets you have set for your site.

    Respect your customers' privacy

    The Oxatis app for Hotjar is developed with the latest European legislations in mind. It is fully compliant with the GDPR, allowing for complete transparency towards your customers.