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Recommended Retail Price

Display the recommended retail price of your products to your distribution network
Recommended Retail Price
    • Stand out from the competition
    • Enhance your brand image with a fast and efficient shopping experience
    • Control the price of your products within your distribution network
  1. What's in it for you

    More than 33% of consumers say they have abandoned a purchase on an online store because of insufficient information about the product of their choice (2017, Shotfarm). With the Suggested Retail Price Apps, direct your visitors to the right purchase!

    Play the honesty card

    By displaying the recommended prices of your products on your site, you offer more transparency on your pricing policy to your customers as well as to your competitors. Giving them more information about the products you sell allows them to make the best choice and to trust your company when they buy.

    Saving time for a better customer experience

    81% of online shoppers do research before buying (Userlike, 2018) and almost 50% do so to save time when shopping (Statista, 2018). By adding new information on the price of your items and the market price, you centralise the information on your product pages and save your customers unnecessary research and time.

    Professionals: accompany your distributors

    Send your resellers a list of recommended retail prices for each of your products. Ensure uniformity of prices within your franchise network and thus preserve its consistency. This is the first step in developing your b2b business!