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Order steps

Show the different stages and progression of the order process
Order steps
    • Clear delineation of different steps in the order process
    • Keep customers engaged towards the final stages of the order
    • Mobile site compatible checkout progress bar
  1. What's in it for you
    Enhance the user experience on your site

    At every stage during checkout, the customer needs to know where they are in the process and what remains to be done before the purchase is complete. Choose from a classic display, a dynamic progress bar or icons. You can even tweak the bar in advanced CSS mode!

    Hold your customers’ attention until checkout process completion

    Because completing a task is intrinsically rewarding (Source lirafi), displaying a progress bar indicating how many steps until the customer has finished its order will dramatically reduce the checkout abandonment rate.

    Mobile site compatible

    Over 50% of purchases online in the UK are now made on mobile devices! (Business insider). Captivate your mobile users and help them complete the checkout process with a fully mobile compatible progress bar.