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Buy as a gift

Allow your shoppers to place a gift order
  1. The "Buy as a gift" app allows your customers to signal their order as a gift. They will then be able to send a personalised message for the person receiving the order, which you can then add to the order going out directly to the recipient of the gift.

  2. Thanks to the "Gift Order" app, you offer your clients the possibility to transform orders placed as gifts - both from your desktop or mobile site.

    In the shopping cart interface, your customers will have the possibility to indicate their order as a gift. As soon as this option is selected, they are invited to leave a message for the recipient of the gift delivery.

    On your side, the application allows for optimal follow-up. Gift orders are indicated in your "order tracking". You can quickly identify and consult orders that require the sender’s personalized message to be printed and added to the delivery.

    Note that this app allows you to customize the corresponding texts to be displayed in the shopping cart.

    Take advantage of the Buy as a Gift app to increase the level of service on your site and match the functional perimeter offered by e-commerce giants.