What's in it for you
A study by HighCo (2016)indicates that 52% of consumers have experienced discovering a brand or productthrough a game. Take advantage of the popularity of the Wheel of Fortune toincrease your visitors' engagement and encourage them to add more products totheir shopping cart.
Attract and retain new customers
Competitions are an establishedadvertising tool for merchants. They can quickly help you to boost your saleswhen launching a new product, reward customer loyalty by offering winningprizes or generate more traffic to your e-commerce site.
Develop your image on the web
By installing the App Contest -Wheel of Fortune, your brand image and reputation are favourably impacted. Winning prizes for customers or visitors helpsyou to make yourself known, to easily generate buzz and create greater socialvisibility. Why not generate a fun relationship with your users and make yourbrand and products known to as many people as possible?
Add new information to your database
A competition also aims torecover data from new visitors. This data can be used for marketing purposes,always with a view to developing your notoriety and your turnover. For example,you can ask your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter before launching thewheel!