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Product quantity calculator

Make it possible for your customers to calculate the exact quantity they need to order for a given area
    • Suggest a tool to help your customers make a purchase
    • Customize your calculator according to your products
    • Avoid orders mistakes
    • Offer your customers a quality experience
  1. What's in it for you

    With the Product Quantity Calculator Apps, simplify your customers' shopping experience and avoid disappointment due to a wrong order.

    Faster shopping experience

    Selling products with special packaging (tiles, paint, wallpaper, etc.) forces your customers to prepare their purchase. They have to make several calculations in order to know the quantity of product corresponding to their needs. Thanks to this App, your customers make their calculations directly on your product sheets and save precious time!

    An increase in customer satisfaction

    The Apps allows you to define a performance or margin of error based on the different possible applications of a product. Your customers order the exact quantity of product they need. Goodbye disappointment due to excess product or product redemptions after a wrong estimate. Hello satisfied customers!

    Additional income

    By offering an efficient shopping experience that provides an exact response to their expectations, you effectively build customer loyalty. And nearly 30% of them recommend you to their friends and family (Nielsen, 2017). At a time when 90% of consumers rely on their friends' recommendations (One Productions, 2019), turning your customers into ambassadors is essential to acquire new ones at a lower cost!