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Oxatis Dataplug

Manage items, images, customers and orders from an Excel/CSV file
Oxatis Dataplug
    • The Oxatis Dataplug is a software which can be downloaded for free
    • It allows you to manage your data in bulk or incrementally, promoting efficient store operation
    • Organise your catalogue or your updates in an Excel file
    • Import data to your site thanks to the Oxatis Dataplug
    • Your site is updated immediately!
  1. What's in it for you

    You have created a site? It needs updating? You need to transfer an important volume of data to your site (items, associated images, client base, etc.)? Oxatis Dataplug guarantees secure and fast transfers via a simple Excel or CSV file.

    An outstanding catalogue-management tool

    Oxatis Dataplug is the productivity-boosting tool that will help you manage your catalogue, orders and clients, efficiently. Starting with a simple Excel spreadsheet, you can 'populate' and update your site (completely or incrementally) as well as recover your orders, thereby processing significant amounts of data in record time.

    Improve your referencing

    When you import images, you can rename them using the product or category names: search engines will appreciate your pages even more, and your visibility will increase.

    Increase your average order value

    Update your options quickly. Create suggestive sales by importing related and lower/higher-range items.

    Make it easy to recover the existing catalogue

    You already have an online catalogue, on eBay for example? Recover your catalogue by importing images via their URL. Dedicate the time you save to your core business.

    Oxatis Dataplug also allows you to synchronise data from your e-Commerce site with your commercial management (Ciel, Sage, Ebp, WaveSoft,....).

    Customers reviews

    "The Oxatis DataPlug allows you to synchronise your website and your accounting software: creating customers, orders and updating stocks real-time are all synchronised. A centralised, simple, automatic management system for multiple countries allows Commencal to expand internationally hassle-free and to easily periodically retrieve data from the site."

    Max Commencal - Commencal